The Let's Play Archive

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

by 1234567890num

Part 24: Day 75-79: Inseparable

Music: Sacred Moon

You ready to give this a shot?
Yeah, c'mon.

Yeah, is it a problem?
What in the world would possess you to ask at a time like this?
We're shorthanded as it is. And yet you expect me to say yes?

Thanks Axel for trying to...Hey! What are you implying here?

If you let us pair up, we can do tougher missions for you, no problem.
Hmm... Fine. As you wish.

No room for items and only 2 Cures, but with all the Potions in the chests I don't think we'll need to bring any.

Obtained: Panacea
Let's go, Roxas.

By the way, have you been filling the Bonus Gauge completely, Roxas? The Organization rewards guys who do thorough work. Give it a try. Fill the gauge for Days 51 to 57, then come see me. Saix may have something for you.

He's just asking you to finish all missions in Day 51-54. No idea why he said 57 instead of 54 since we skip from Day 54 to Day 71.

Oh, hey! You filled up the Bonus Gauge. That's great. Somebody's an eager beaver! I think Saix put together a special mission. Go ask him for the details. (A new mission is now available!)

This isn't as important as it sounds. As soon as we complete the mandatory missions and advance the day, we'll get this mission in the holo-mission. On one hand, it's great that they decide to make none of the mission missable. On the other hand, AXEL!!!

The new mission is just collecting hearts in Beast's Castle. The nice thing is that there's 2 recon missions. The bad thing is that both of the recon missions are wasted on Xion instead of the members that actually need the screentime.

Now that I think about it, the only KH2 Organization members we get until now is just Xigbar. And Roxas fainted right after that mission.

Music: A Day in Agrabah
Music: Arabian Dream

Right. Axel and I found it the last time we were here. There's a hidden entrance in the city.
Wow, how'd you stumble across that?
By accident, mostly.
We spotted somebody acting fish, and Axel suggested we tail him.
And that led you to the cave... Good call on Axel's part.

I'm still not over that stealth section.

So, you ready to go explore it?
Yeah. The hidden door's down that way. C'mon.

We don't have anything to examine in the city. They just put it to pad out the mission time.

Nothing interesting in The Palace or Agrabah Street. Just 2 chests with Potion and these 2 types of Heartless. Nothing we haven't seen before. In Agrabah Gates, however...

I care more about the monkey that's obscured by Roxas' spiky hair.

What do you wanna do?
Like we have any choice.
Let's clear them out!
Roger that!

Just 8 Scarlet Tangos appearing 4 at a time. Yawn.

Come back here you ungrateful little ape!

(That monkey... I saw him here last time, too.)
Hey, Roxas, look...

It's a green materia gem obscured by the text box.

(Where'd he swipe something like this?)
What do you think? Should we just leave it?
It's up to you, Xion. We may not get a chance to return it, but if you don't pick it up, somebody else will.
Hmm, then I guess I'll hold onto it. It might come in handy. *pockets the gem*

Okay. Let's head for the cave.


It's nice of the game that we don't have to move the box and pillar anymore. The door is already open.

You do have to hit this switch, though. The chest contain potion.

The platforming here isn't hard, especially since we got the air slide. It's just annoying. And the air slide button is the same as the jump button instead of the block button for some reason. It trips me up a lot of the time after playing BBS.

Now we've been around the area and nothing happens. It turns out that I forgot to examine the switch near the door.

There's a hole here... It's like something's meant to fit inside.
Hunh, it looks about the same size as the gem I found. *places the gem*

No way! It clicked right into place!
Guess that explains where the monkey found it.
If it was here to begin with, it should probably stay here.
Ready to dig a little deeper?

I don't know if that's an intentional The Princess and The Frog reference.

We've combed this whole area. What next?
Let's head further into the cave.

So now we have to go to the box. We have to do them in order.

What is this thing?
Hmm... When in doubt...give it a good smack?

Apparently smacking it will cause it to burn. Huh.

Hey, it's another one of those blocks.
Yeah, would hitting it work?

Like I said, we have to hit them in order, so we can't hit this one now.

This floor is cracked.
Yeah, this looks like it was all built ages ago.

Another one of those blocks.
Try hitting this one.

There's no quick way of going back to the Abyss from here, so we have to go through the platforming section again. After hitting all 3 boxes...

Hunh. So the switches were for those steps.
Let's see where they lead.

Like before, this switch will open the gate on the other side.

Only this time we can actually get to it.

This isn't the room of treasures, as evidenced by the lack of gold and this sad treasure.

What's this statue?
It's holding a jewel or something. I think that's about all we're gonna find down here.
Yeah. I don't see any more doors or switches. We must be at the end of the cave.

Spoilers: There's more area in the cave we haven't explored yet.

So what's the verdict?
Well, we searched the cave top to bottom. Let's call it a day and RTC.
Sounds good to me.

This is a lie.

Uh-oh... I know you...
Hmph! Here for the magic lamp, are ya?
What magic lamp?

Music: Rowdy Rumble
Don't try and play dumb with me!
You listen up an' listen good! That lamp is official property of Pete-that's me! Ya got it?

You're kinda late for that...

So you goons can keep your dirty mitts off!

Boss: Pete

Pete is a pushover. I just put a video of him because he's the one of the very few Disney enemies in the game.

He do has a combo that will take half our health, so he's not harmless. Just wait until after Xion triggers this move and then do 2 combos on him. Or just take the hit and then use one of the many Potions we get in this mission.

He also has a ball that will explode and cause a random status effect. This can be blocked, but can't be deflected.

I read that he has another attack, but I can't seem to get it to trigger. So here's a picture of Roxas getting air-tossed by an exploding ball instead.

Video stops here

First I can't find the dag-blasted lamp, now I gotta deal with these weirdos...

I'm outta here!

You know, Roxas, stopping people would be more effective if you do more than just yelling "Wait!"

Come on, Roxas! We can't stay here!
Yeah, you're right. Hurry!

Music: A Day in Agrabah

Just barely.
So, I take it that was the guy?
The one me and Axel saw? Yeah. Pete, I think he said?
Yeah. He kept going on about some magic lamp.
Wonder what he meant.
Ah! Roxas, behind you!

What...what am I looking at?
You okay?
Yeah... It doesn't seem hostile.
I think it likes you.
Figure that one out.
Yeah, figure that one out!

Genie why the fuck are you so creepy in this game...

Wh-who are you!?
Who am I? You want to know who I am!?

What I want to know is why is your model so creepy and why is your portrait so tall.

Well all right, then! One personal introduction, coming right up!
The name's Genie Formerly-Of-The Lamp...but call me by my first name, kids! And this is my good friend, the Magic Carpet!

The clown honking sound effect plays when Genie introduces himself and the carpet.

That smile...

Uh, y-yeah... Likewise.
Hey, come ON now, you can do better than that!
I mean, why so glum? Feeling a little blue? Believe me, I can relate.
No doubt.
So, uh, who are you kids?
Errr, we're...
Psst! Roxas, change the subject!
We're, umm- (Change it to WHAT?)

When, all of a sudden, Carpet here decides to put the tassel to the metal and take off! Says he spotted a friend.
A friend? And that friend is me?
I know, crazy isn't it? I tag along all ready to reminisce about old times...
But I have no idea in the cosmos who you are! You sure this is a friend of ours, Rugman?
Anyway, uhh... Agrabah is that city over there, right?
That's the one! My buddy Al's hometown. Why, when we first met, Al and I were inseparable...
Yep! Until Carpet and I took off on a well deserved vacation. What you might call a mini world tour.
But we got to worrying about how Al was doing... we figured we'd pop back in to check up on him.
Why were you worried? Is there something to worry about?
Well, sure! It's only natural to worry about your friends.
I worried about how things were going with Jasmine, how the city was holding up...

Genie, why are you still smiling.

Well, I don't know about anybody named Al, but...
The city's in rough shape. They've been fixing it up.
Right, they keep getting hit by sandstorms.

There's also a stock sound effect here but I don't know what it's called. I know that it exists in that old cat vs dog game where they threw a bunch of stuff over the fence and try to hit each other on the heat with them.

Why do these things always happen the minute I leave town!? All right, stand back! A little magic, and I'll have this place whipped back into shape!
Your friend Al said this isn't a job for magic.
He what!?

Same sound effect here. For both times Genie actually flinch backwards extravagantly.

He said the people living there should be the ones to fix it up.
Oh... Well, if that's Al's final word, I guess that's that.
You're not going to help out?
Al said no magic, right? I'd love to just fix the place, but even a genie's got to respect his friend's wishes.
Hmm... I guess so.
We should get back, Roxas.
Still, I doubt he'd mind a teensy-weensy speck of help!

There we go. Now the city's safe! And with THAT out of the way... Enough stalling-who are you two?

Music: At Dusk, I Will Think of You...

Well, that answers that.

The game really cheats with Xion's hood. This game even fails at its own foreshadowing .

We try.

KH 358/2=179 Days of Falling Salty Diabetes
Twilight Station Tower: 16
Sea-Salt Ice Cream: 27

So where'd they end up sending you?
That place you and me went before... Uhh, what was it again...
Oh, that city in the desert.
We sure ran into some interesting characters this time, huh?
You mean Pete and Genie?
Genie sounded really worried about his friend-some guy named Al. But I guess you can't always jump in and do everything for your friends-even if you want to.
That's right. People need their space.
So then, why did Genie say he and Al were "inseparable?"
Yeah, it's not like they were joined at the hip.
Well, I think you can be inseparable even if you're apart.
Sure, if you feel really close to each other. If you're best friends.
What's it like having a best friend, Axel?

And the scene ends, just like that.

Music: Crossing the Finish Line

This mission has gone on long enough, so the rest will have to wait.